Science In Our World

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Animal & Plant Cells

Aim: This activity is illustrate animal and plant cells. 

Handout: Animal & Plant Cell diagram

Method: Use the handout or develop it as an overhead.

Background knowledge: The animal and plant cell contains various "organelles" which are tiny organs within the cell. Some of the main organelles include...

Nucleus = this houses the reproductive material and is necessary to maintain cell metabolism and functions

Vacuole = the water storage device for the plant

Mitochondria = energy production in the cell

Chloroplast = organelles (small scale "organs" within a cell) responsible for photosythesis (the process of converting sunlight (solar energy) into chemical energy for the plant to use)

Golgi bodies = a series of membrane channels that allow certain metabolic functions to take place free from other hindering chemical material.

Cell wall = providing protection and support for the cell's contents.

Cytoplasm (or plasma) = liquid within the cell.

Comparison of animal and plant cells :

  1. cell wall (in plant cells only)
  2. chloroplasts (in plant cells only)
  3. vacuoles (a few small ones in animal cells; large in plant cells)
  4. size.