Equipment: The equipment includes...
- 6 empty coke cans;
- lengths of dowling wood;
- scissors;
- masking tape;
- garbage bag;
- cotton reel;
- pieces of balsa wood;
- PVA glue or Tarzan Grip glue (better);
- 4 clothes pegs;
- string.
Method: Use 2 pieces of dowling for the top horizontal beam and for the vertical mast of a sail frame. Use dowling for the front and rear axle holding the wheels. The wheels are made by cutting two coke cakes across the middle and inserting one into the other (use only the bases of the cans... the tops can be thrown away). The rectangle top is made of a rectangular piece of balsa wood and the two sides of the boat also from balsa wood (in the shape of a trapezium). Place a piece of balsa wood in the middle to steady the frame if you like.
Two pieces of dowling make up the front and back axles and masking tape wrapped around and around stop the wheel from slipping sideways.
Place the cotton reel on top with the mast in it. Glue 4 pegs under the boat for the axles to run through. Good luck!
Background knowledge: A general discussion regarding the forces of air particles in the wind to overcome the weight of the boat and any friction in the wheels. You could set up a regatta within your class to see who has the best boat. They can even create a "winged keel" ... some form of construction on their boat that may provide an advantage. A whole theme could result from it and a wide variety of possibilities.