Aim: This activity is to construct a bridge to support a standard Matchbox car on the centre of a bridge made of spaghetti.
Equipment: The equipment includes...
- 3 standard packets of spaghetti for whole class;
- Tarzan Grip glue;
- Matchbox car;
- Template for background scenery.
Method: You are Ida Bildit, an expert designer and maker of bridges. You job is to design a bridge and then construct it. You must think very carefully about how you will construct the bridge before you go ahead and make it. Your bridge will be made from spaghetti and glue. The type of spaghetti can vary from thin to thick spaghetti and the best type of glue is "Tarzan Grip" glue or something like this (glue that can be used to make plastic kits are the best). Your bridge will be weighed and the maximum amount of weight that it can carry could be measured. Students working in 3's, using Tarzan Grip glue, build a bridge to support a standard Matchbox car on the centre of a bridge made of spaghetti.
Homework: Find out about the different types of bridges below and then think about the best design for your bridge. Below are some possibilities. Think very carefully about where there might be the greatest weakness (the bridge will break at this point).
Requirements: The bridge must carry one of the model cars across it and it must span at least 18cm.
Background knowledge: Different types of bridges can be constructed and the design discussed in class. Some of the various types of bridge could include...
Each of them require different amounts of spaghetti and glue ...