Science In Our World

Science Wizz Kids Home Page

Welcome to "Wizz Kids". A site to support the profile Mathematics & Science for our feeder schools Opportunities to engage in a number of Science based initiatives that might be available.

Why Things Move

Aim: This is an activity to begin a discussion about why things move.


  • Why things move?

Method: Display the flash cards on the worksheet "Why things move". You can write down words like: engine, wind, wheels, petrol, tracks, steam, motor, electricity, water, sails, etc.

Background knowledge: A discussion about could include ...

  • Why do we need transport?
  • How do you travel to school?
  • What different type of transport do you know of?
  • If I wanted to travel to Sydney what type of transport could I use?
  • If I wanted to travel overseas what type of transport could I use?
  • What might be inside a car that makes it work?
  • How does a sailing ship move?
  • Has anyone been on a very long trip somewhere?